How to Get an Edge When It Comes to Sales Recruiting

Sales people

Today there are over 22 million sales professionals in North America. Based on this number, it ought to be easy to assemble an all-star sales team, yet there is a hidden truth to this number. Of those 22 million professionals, approximately 40% will regularly miss quota while 22% are simply unable to complete training. Only 10% of North America’s sale force will prove to be a profitable investment for their companies. Every mistakenly hired sales rep costs companies thousands, not to mention the wasted time. With so much pressure on sales recruiters, many companies are looking to sales recruitment specialists to ensure that their staff receives the most comprehensive training possible.

Finding the Right Team
The reality of a sales hiring mistake can end up costing a company six to ten times the base salary of the person in question. The average turnover rate for a sales team is about 40% each year. In addition, nearly 32% of the sales work force has less than 12 months of experience with their companies, meaning that many sales people lack the established experience that companies are looking for. Given the statistics, the 22 million sales reps in North America are largely under-qualified or too big of a risk to successfully hire. The business world is too competitive and fast-paced for companies to take risks on sales recruiting: this is where a sales recruitment agency can help.

The Benefits of a Recruiting Firm
Recruitment firms spend time with their clients in order to help them hire the individuals who seem to most closely share the client’s style, culture, and philosophy. From the moment a sales staffing agency places a sales rep in a company, until the moment that rep quits, retires, or is pulled: the entire process is internally managed by the recruitment firm from start to finish. Although many companies might disagree, sales firms argue that experience is not necessary to hire a good sales rep, as many of the tips, tricks, and skills can be easily taught. Many sales recruiters even offer continuing services like sales management and professional training. Sales recruiting is a vital, frustrating aspect of the business world; ensure that your team’s sales reps are hand-picked by a trusted sales recruitment firm and get back to doing business your way.

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