Running a hotel isn’t easy. In fact, when guests have a problem with your services, they’ll let you know in person — or you could wind up seeing a bad review on the internet later. When it comes to keeping guests comfortable, it’s all about the furniture: from the beds and chairs in the guest rooms to the welcoming atmosphere of the lobby. If your hotel is lacking in these areas, you may not have any guests to receive feedback from.
However, many businesses in the hospitality industry turn to hotel furniture installation services to find the right solutions for their guests. Whether you need this service because you’re revamping your hospitality business or because of a commercial move, you may want an experienced furniture installation company to help you every step of the way.
Looking for a hotel makeover? Here are some of the services you can expect from a qualified hospitality furniture installation service:
1. Lobby Revitalization: When your guests first walk through the doors and into your hotel, the lobby is likely the first thing they’ll see. A lobby should provide a place for guests to feel at home, especially if they may have to wait before checking in. Having a spacious lobby with plenty of plush furniture and soft lighting is a great way to welcome your visitors right off the bat.
2. Guest Room Revamping: When it comes to hotel guest services, the room is what really counts. Getting newer, more comfortable beds for guests will help them feel rested on their vacations and business trips. Attractive accessories, such as the room’s nightstands, dresser, desk, and chairs, all contribute to allowing guests to feel right at home. A hospitality furniture installation company can deliver these new items to each room and have them ready to go to help your guests enjoy their stay.
3. Customized Hotel Makeover Solutions: There’s more to giving your business a new look than simply the hotel furniture installation. Today’s hotels want to set themselves apart as one of a kind, so the cookie cutter look in each room won’t do in a modern hotel. Hospitality furniture installations can go beyond new beds and dressers to find unique pieces for the rooms, lobby, cafe, and other areas of the property. This is especially useful for smaller hospitality businesses, such as boutique hotels and bed and breakfasts.
Have more questions on these services for your business? Get in touch with an installation company near you, and leave a comment below for more suggestions!