Water Filtration Process

Surface water may reside on the surface of the earth, but that alone doesn’t make it safe for anyone to drink. Groundwater or surface water must undergo specific treatments before it can be deemed safe enough for anyone to drink. In order to get clean water running through taps in our house there is process that the water must undergo. Since only 3% of the water on earth is fresh water and only 1% is suitable to drink, it is important to turn turn dirty water into a clean water solution that can be drank.

First Step

The first step in the water treatment process includes encouraging particles to clump together so they can be filtered out more easily. This is done with coagulation. Just as coagulants in your blood help it to clot, the same method is applied to get a safe water solution for consumers. This process aluminum sulfate, ferric chloride and organic polymers. Once these particles clump together in the first step the water moves onto the second step.

Second Step

During this step the larger particles are still the main object of focus. The water is gently agitated during this process. This is done to encourage the particles to stick together while dragging smaller particles with them. This causes a formation of larger particles which can easily be filtered out of the water solution.

Third Step

The water is then filtered to remove the particles that were trapped and stuck together in the first two steps. A filter made of sand or other fine particles helps remove all imperfections from the water to give it a clear complexion rather than a cloudy one. As these pathogens pass through the filters the larger particles cling to the filter while the liquid continues to pass through. This helps remove any particles and impurities from the water solution.

Final Step

The final step to bring a drinkable water solution to consumers is to remove any possible bacteria. This is done by adding chemicals to the water that kill any bacteria or organisms present in the water at that time. Extra amounts my be added to help remove any unhealthy organisms that could be in the pipe where the water is fed to consumers or household pipes. This step ensures that consumers are drinking safe water that is ideal for them and their family.

The next time you turn on the faucet to get water out of it, stop and think about where that water is actually coming from. It is incredibly easy to forget once the water runs from the sink, but making that water safe isn’t always an easy job. Hard work and dedication go into making sure that every bit of water that reaches pipes is cleaned and ready to drink. Think about that next time you’re enjoying your glass of cold crystal clear water.

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