Losing a loved one is difficult. Sometimes, the process that follows is even more difficult. In a time when grieving is important, you are often forced to quickly make decisions around the funeral arrangements of that loved one. There are a lot of things that need to be completed, and people are rushing you for decisions. While some of these decisions are important, others can wait until you are better prepared to deal with them. When funeral planning, keep these tips in mind for the easiest and best prepared funeral services.
Take a day or two, if needed
It seems like people are already asking you to make funeral arrangements, sometimes minutes after the loss. If you are emotionally unprepared to handle it this soon, give yourself a day or two. That day or two can be an important part in better preparing you for the next step in the process. If you are still unable to handle the funeral planning after a couple of days, give the task to a trusted friend or loved one. You may be surprised at how many people are willing to help out.
Consider costs
Funeral costs can be very expensive. However, a lot of the added costs of the funeral service are not always required. Before beginning funeral planning services, consider what your budget it. Inquire about the possibility of any life insurance policies or prepaid funeral costs. According to a survey by AARP, one in three people have engaged in some level of funeral pre planning and one in four people have even paid for their funeral in advance. It is even possible that your loved one already paid for their funeral services or took out an insurance policy to do so, without tell you about it.
Consider your loved one?s wishes
When you make your first visit to the funeral home of choice, they are going to ask you a lot of specific questions. The point of these questions is to cater the actual funeral service and setup around you, your family, and your loved one. Consider your loved one?s preferences for a funeral. It is possible that they have discussed their plans with you, should something ever happen to them. Also remember to check things like living wills, as sometimes funeral desires are outlined in that. Approximately 89% of Harris Poll survey respondents feel that a discussion about their end of life wishes would be meaningful. These types of discussions are more common than ever.
Specialty services
There are some situations when a special funeral planning service may be appropriate. If your funeral is a special situation, you will want to discuss this with the funeral home or the associated office. A special funeral service would include veterans. Veteran?s funerals tend to differ from regular funerals, even if it has been many years since they have served.
Those family members with loved ones who served in the military may also be subject to funeral related payments. For non service deaths, the maximum VA burial allowances ranges from $300 for veterans who were not hospitalized in a VA facility, to $700 for veterans who were hospitalized with the VA at time of death. These payments, however, can be very beneficial when adding up all of the costs of funeral planning.
Funerals are very difficult and trying times for families. There are often many disagreements and discussions around what the person would have wanted. Depending on your specific position in the funeral planning process, you may be unprepared to handle the many decisions that come with funeral planning. Keep in mind that you can always take a couple day break, give the funeral planning tasks to a trusted family member or friend, and that considering your planning budget can be helpful in making decisions. You are also like to find that many funeral homes are very helpful in organizing the best funeral service for your loved one.