One of the most dangerous occupations in the United States is construction. There are a number of startling statistics that illustrate just how dangerous the job can be. For example, in 2009, there were more fatal injuries in the construction industry than any other. Within the construction industry, falls are the leading cause behind these fatalities. From 1995 to 1999, there was a startling average of 362 construction related falls each year which resulted in fatalities. Approximately 1 in every 5 workplace fatalities involved a construction worker, and according to OSHA, at least 1,000 injuries are suffered by construction workers each year. To help decrease some of these statistics and help protect construction workers, the Occupational Health and Safety Act was passed in 1970 to help enforce safety regulations. OSHA performs frequent safety training for construction workers, creates better safety regulations, and does regular safety inspections to ensure their protection. Proper safety certifications and training, especially pertaining to falls, are a great first step to improving the well-being of those in this dangerous occupation. Many different construction safety courses are necessary to keep workers safe, such as crane safety training, rigging safety training and rigging certification, and fall protection training.
When it comes to keeping construction workers as safe as possible on the job, one of the most important trainings is proper fall protection. Courses on fall safety can train workers on how to avoid and handle dangerous situations that will ultimately reduce the risk of fatal injury. Rigging certification and training is closely tied to fall safety and can dramatically improve overall safety on site. Riggers are the workers whose duty is to properly handle, attach, and detach heavy loads, usually to cranes. Riggers must obtain rigging certification upon completion of rigging courses to ensure their ability to keep themselves and their coworkers safe. Crane safety is extremely important as well, since most dangerous loads are attached to cranes and many construction falls are crane related.
The construction industry will always be dangerous work. However, proper training courses and certifications can help reduce the risk workers face on a daily basis. With safety training and knowledge, especially related to cranes, rigging, and falls, workers can learn to be aware of dangerous situations and avoid them. Rigging certification is especially important, since working with heavy loads is obviously very dangerous and knowing the proper rigging techniques can help keep everyone safe. What do you think is the most important safety training for construction workers? Let us know in the comment section!