Hiring and retaining employees can be difficult for any organization. Staffing and recruiting agencies attempt to help employers and employees see the need for a good working environment for all concerned.
Permanent employee placement is a priority since $11 billion is lost annually due to employee turnover.
Worker happiness is increased in companies with employee recognition programs. McKinsey’s research also shows that gender-diverse companies are 15% more like to outperform their peers. Ethnically diverse companies are 35% more like to do the same. New hires that undergo a structured on boarding program are 58% more likely to be with the company after three years.
Human Resource managers deal with employee concerns each day. With the help of recruiting agencies who can match qualified people with high demand positions, HR managers have more time to solve problems for those who are already working for the company. If there is a need for temporary help because of sickness, maternity leave, or accident, temp agencies can provide someone qualified to fill the vacancy. The employee will see the real concern of the company and be more willing to return and complete his job. More than 3 million temporary and contract employees work for America?s staffing companies during an average week.
An employment agency is the first place most organizations seek to find new employees. They have applications from so many people and give a list of those persons that seem qualified for the job. Staffing agencies and recruiting agencies help with the companies hiring process. They take the stress out of hiring and job searching. They understand that the longevity of a company is the direct result of everyone in the company having a direction of purpose and remembering what the initial objective was in the beginning.
Selecting the best staffing agency for your organization requires checking their credentials and reputation. They must be honest and professional. An employment agency may have a list of reputable agencies who can assist in finding a person who will stay with the company longterm. Since many people who are looking for a job have an online presence, 93% of recruiters look at a candidate?s social media profile. Not every employment agency takes the time to search out the potential employees credentials fully. That is where the help of a recruiting agency is invaluable.