Amazingly, only three percent of our planet’s water is fresh water, and only one percent is currently suitable for drinking. The rest may possibly be good for cooking, washing, and many industrial applications, but there’s no denying we have groundwater pollution problems. This makes water treatment a serious issue.
Why is Water Treatment Necessary?
Currently, an estimated 70% of the world’s industrial waste ends up contaminating the usable water supply, and while the situation is better in the United States than it is in some countries, there are still reasons to be worried. America does have hazardous waste sites, for example, and over 80% of them have impacted the quality of the groundwater near them. Our groundwater is 95% of the nation’s fresh water resources, providing half our drinking water alone, so anything that makes it harder to get clean water is a serious problem.
How Do We Clean Up Our Ground Water?
Water treatment techniques, generally referred to as groundwater remediation, are necessary for an enormous number of businesses and industries. There are four different types of water treatment: physical, biological, chemical, and light treatment. Each has particular benefits, and often the best water treatment is one that incorporates several.
How Does Light Treatment Work?
Ultraviolet light can be hard on living organisms when there’s too much of it. The reason we wear sunscreen when we’re out too long on a summer’s day is precise to protect ourselves from ultraviolet light. The microorganism can be killed by enough exposure to UV rays, or to ozone. The dead microorganisms are then filtered out of the water. This method is particularly good when water treatment is needed that doesn’t leave chemicals behind.
What Chemical Remediation Services are There?
This is the most expensive kind of water treatment, and also takes the longest. However, sometimes it’s the only way to ensure completely clean and safe water and is often used in conjunction with other forms of water treatment. Carbon absorption and oxidation are two ways of treating water chemically.
What is Physical Groundwater Remediation?
This is almost always used with another form of water treatment, and the physical treatment is usually first. It uses pressure or filters to remove large particles and physical objects in the water that needs to be treated.
What is Biological Water Treatment?
Tiny organisms are added to the water. These microorganisms are able to break down chemicals that can’t be otherwise separated from the water, and this method is particularly useful in industrial waste sites. The organisms can later be removed or filtered away.
Water is essential to life, and with so little fresh water on Earth, it’s important we take good care of every drop of it. Choosing the right water treatment application for the right situations is one step in making sure we’re keeping our water fresh and clean.