If you’re having a sale, you need to say it loud, and say it proud with custom window graphics. How else will passersby on the street know that they should stop what they’re doing and take advantage of your generous deal?
However, it’s not enough to simply display the sale. If your custom window graphics aren’t eye-catching, or even aesthetically appealing, nobody is going to stop in. You can’t just say what the sale is — you have to say it with style.
Don’t worry, though. It’s not as hard as you’d think. Here are a few tips to help.
Use an Appropriate Font.
Digital printing services — the guys who make your custom window graphics — have a multitude of different fonts to choose from. So much so that it can actually be a bit overwhelming. Instead of spending hours combing through each one, or simply picking one at random, think about your demographic. Are they primarily older, or younger? If they’re older, you’d do better with a Serif font. If younger, you’d do better with a Sans-Serif font.
Think About Your Voice.
How do you imagine yourself pitching your sale to passersby? Do you want to be dramatic!? Do you want to make it sound urgent? Or perhaps you’d simply like to say it elegantly.
Choosing to bold, italicize, underline, or make any other adjustment to a font can help you express a specific emotion or voice.
How Big Will the Font Be?
You also need to consider how large or small your custom window graphic is going to be. The bigger it is, the easier it’ll be to catch people’s eyes. However, if you make it too big, only people on the other side of the street will be able to read what you’re trying to say with your visual merchandising window displays. Since they’re on the other side of the road, they’re less likely to impulsively go into the store. On the other hand, if you make your custom window graphics too small, nobody is going to notice your retail window displays. Basically, you need to find a sweet spot — not too big and not too small.
Creating custom window graphics isn’t as easy as it seems, but it doesn’t have to be a challenge either. You simply need to think about who you’re trying to communicate to, what you’re trying to say, and how you’re trying to say it. Once you know that, you’ll have no problem whipping up custom window graphics that can stop people in their tracks.
If you have any questions about how to make custom window graphics, feel free to ask in the comments. See this link for more references.