How Many Pieces of Mail Do You Receive a Day?

One piece of mail stuck out when you made the daily trek to your mailbox yesterday. Amid the standard yard work, dry cleaning, and restaurant direct mail marketing campaign items you found a piece from the United States Postal Service (USPS). Advertising the importance of stocking up on postage stamps as graduation season approaches, you smiled thinking about the fact that the post office itself was using a direct mail marketing campaign to promote its services.
Printing professionals continue to push their services and products to many kinds of clients. From non profits that continue to look for effective ways to raise funds for families, individuals and entire groups in need to senior picture photographers who are seeking a very specific audience, there are many times when direct mail marketing campaigns are the best option.

Wholesale Printing Services Offer a Wide Range of Products to Many Kinds of Clients

There is no denying that the kind and amount of mail that we get today is less than what we received a decade ago. from catalogs to magazines to advertisements, there are many times when businesses and organizations use email to reach their current and potential customers. In spite of the advancements in the technical world that we live, however, there are still many times when direct mail marketing campaigns work the best. From holiday promotions from gift boutiques to seasonal services like lawn services, snow removal, and holiday lighting installation, there are many times when a bulk mailing is the best solution.

Interestingly enough, many of the mail pieces that we receive on a daily basis actually promote and encourage their recipients to move from the mail piece to the internet. In fact, more than 60% of direct mail recipients were influenced to visit a promoted website, according to a USPS study. The USPS study goes on to note that the greatest influence of these promotional pieces in on first time shoppers.

Combining digital communications with traditional mail services is often the best way to make sure that a business or organization is reaching as many current and potential customers as possible.


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