How often do you think about the work that goes into packaging the food you eat or the products you buy? From the birth of an idea to graphic design, many hands swap skills in order to bring you that cheese or sports drink you love so much. If you have a business that packages food or products, every item needs to use the right packaging method in order to stay fresh, save your business money and reduce strain on the environment. If you’ve considered renovating your particular brand of flexible packaging design, look below at some quick facts and figures to get your start!
Plastic Packaging Industry In The U.S.
Everyone needs a solid packaging job and there are many businesses in the States working around the clock to provide quality eco-friendly food packaging, labels and non-zippered pouches. The plastics industry employs at least one million workers and makes over $300 billion per year! The flexible packaging market, specifically, is estimated to grow from $74 million in 2012 to at least $100 million by 2018. Packaging has never sounded so good!
Did You Know?
We know that custom plastic packaging is a lucrative industry most businesses need to get their products out into the market. Now did you know that it only takes 1.5 pounds of flexible plastic to deliver 10 gallons of liquid at a time? Even your average one gallon milk jug today weighs 30% less than it did 20 years ago. Recycling isn’t just a trendy fad — it’s necessary to reuse good materials and save everyone a little money in the process!
Flexible Packaging Companies And You
So we know that food packaging design has continued to innovate, save money and help the environment at large. Now how can you take advantage of this? Plastic packaging, such as non-zippered pouches and heat-sealed wraps, are used to keep food fresh from contamination while reducing potential tearing or stretching during transportation. You can even save up to a full pound of material by turning to more economic methods of wrapping and sealing, which translates to less waste down the road. With modern flexible packaging solutions, there’s nothing you can’t do!