Flexible Hours And Less Stress Why More Americans Are Choosing To Work From Home

There’s a reason more people are working from home. It’s liberating.

When you have a sick day you can simply take it, no begging the manager for a little mercy required. When a particularly busy day rises in your schedule and gives you no choice but to drive all over the city? Just rearrange your obligations and get right to it. The remote work force is expanding rapidly in the United States, set to reach an impressive half of all workers in just a few decades. Should you be fed up with the traditional nine-to-five, now’s a good time to consider your options.

From e-commerce to part-time freelance writing, there are options ready and waiting. Let’s learn more about becoming an independent contractor that can work with flexible hours.

Today’s work statistics are looking rather dismal. We have burnout affecting more working Americans than ever, putting many in a bad spot to stay in their jobs, much less get back to where they used to be. The National Alliance On Mental Illness (or NAMI) revealed one out of five Americans struggle with mental health problems. Mental health days are increasingly common in many industries and the employee turnover rate costs businesses over $10 billion every year. Where does it end?

Customer preferences are changing, too. E-commerce rates are higher than ever due to the convenience of shopping online — a recent survey found consumers prefer phone and e-mail at the same rates, with live chat and online knowledge following behind at 50%. Businesses that grow their customer retention rates by a mere 5% can see profit raking in at 25% or higher. We live in an age of convenience and speed, yet the long-term has never been less important. Switching from the nine-to-five to flexible work from home is a response to changing times.

The classic American dream is slowly being unraveled. Traditional college degrees are notoriously expensive and many jobs bar the way with increasingly high standards that don’t apply to the modern workforce. An interesting study found nearly 65% of Americans actively plan on working after retirement age. While this can seem a viable sentiment now, burnout is ever at the ready to lay to waste all your hard work. To work with flexible hours is to take control of your life one day at a time.

Remote work denotes work done on-the-go or at home. Also known as ‘telecommuting’, this work-life balance is becoming increasingly preferred among today’s exhausted populace. One study from SmallBizTrends found nearly five million Americans regularly working from home, with this number expected to increase significantly over the course of a decade. Just like a traditional job you can freelance part-time, full-time, or through contract. You get to set your own hours and dictate your work-life balance in a way you couldn’t before.

You can work from home as an insurance agent. You can work from home in customer service. Content marketing jobs are rather popular, particularly for those that specialize in a niche that lets them flex their writing skills on a deeper level — this ranges from broad niches like healthcare to specific niches like garage car kits. Flexible careers for moms, students, and adults without degrees starts with remote work. All you need is a steady Internet connection and an independent spirit to thrive wherever you are.

Your lifestyle isn’t holding you down. Your lack of options is. See what remotes work with flexible hours can do to expand your horizons.

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