Everything You Need to Know About a Labyrinth Ring Seal – Your Oil

Consider a labyrinth-ring seal.

Labyrinth seals don’t look like much. Though they appear to be insignificant and tiny, a lot of the machines that you have at your facility or plant wouldn’t be possible without the seals. In the same way as carbon bush bearings and carbon bearing bushings or carbon ring shaft seals, segmentsed carbon rings seals and carbon bearing bearing bushes look tiny, yet they’re extremely important.

Let’s start with what a labyrinth ring seal is. The labyrinth rings seal has to have at minimum one job. It’s designed to keep contaminants from entering the machine, or hold fluids or gasses out of it. Some applications call for a seal may be required solely to keep dirt or moisture, but the primary use of most seals is to keep gases or fluids inside the machine.

It is essential that the person in charge of maintaining the machines has knowledge of this seal, its purpose and the best way to remove and replace them. The situation could involve the plant or facility owner, a production manager, or employees.

Watch the video to find out more.


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