Indoor gardening supply stores hold everything you need to grow and maintain healthy plants during off-peak seasons. While growing plants indoors, although they are not subjected to harsh outdoor elements, plant health is not guaranteed. Some plants simply don’t do well inside.
There is plenty of produce, however, that you can grow from the comfort of your own home, so you don’t have to wait for the warmer months to enjoy them. Here are a few yummy fruits, vegetables, and herbs that grow well indoors:
Avocados are amazing super foods packed with healthy fats and are linked to reduced cancer and heart disease risk. You probably tried to grow an avocado tree at one point by sticking toothpicks in a pit and allowing it to gently germinate above a cup of water. If you were successful, kudos, but these trees do not yield edible fruit. Instead, buy a dwarf avocado tree. Yes, they can be expensive, but think about how many avocados you can grow!
Avocado trees grow best when planted with a layer of sand at the bottom of the pot, below the planting soil. Water the tree regularly, but do not water-log the roots. Prune the shoots regularly and wait for your fruits to grow and ripen. Avocados can be left on the tree for a couple weeks before losing their tastes and textures.
Keep your eyes healthy by planting carrots in a pot or window box at least a foot and a half deep and wide. Fill it to the brim with humus-rich potting mix and plant the seeds six inches away from each other. The soil should remain moist, but not soaked.
When the tops of the carrots reach about a quarter inch thick, they are ready to be harvested and consumed (after a good wash, of course).
Rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, lemons go well in sweet, savory, and tart dishes, and add a fresh flavor to water and tea. Ask your local indoor gardening supply store if they have a two to three-year-old dwarf lemon tree — this age is when they begin to yield fruit — and plant the tree in a pot slightly larger than the root ball of the tree.
Basil can be grown in soil or with hydroponic garden equipment from a local indoor gardening supply store. Growing hydroponic basil is often easier, because the plant needs to be watered so often. To harvest, simply snip the leaves off as needed. Prune the plant when its leaves get to be about six inches high. Basil does not grow well when it becomes too tall.
A bright herb that goes well with hearty fall and winter dishes, rosemary has been known to control weight gain, which could come in handy during the holidays.
Soil made from two parts potting soil to one part course sand is the best vehicle for rosemary to grow. Rosemary seeds should be planted in a pot that has holes in the bottom for drainage, as it’s important that the soil doesn’t become too wet. Only water the plant when the soil is dry to the touch.
There are plenty more plants that you can grown indoors, but these will help you get off to a good start. Contact you indoor garden supply store for more tips for indoor gardening, and to see what other fruits, vegetables, an herbs they recommend.