There are many different types of businesses that have accounts receivable departments that require a high volume of billing statement processing and mailing. Typically, employees have a lot to do already ask they spend time on bookkeeping and other accounting tasks. Having to print and mail the bills for these accounts is much more time consuming. If you feel like your business is falling behind on these tasks, it may be time to look into outsourced billing.
What kinds of billing can be outsourced? Just about any! If you work in one of the following industries or have any of the billing statement processing needs below, you may be eligible to work with an outsourced billing company.
- Utility billing services: Billing for utilities such as gas, electricity, cable, internet, and even municipal services such as water can be a very busy task. If your company covers one of these services, outsourcing can be a big relief. An outsourcing company can send out statements and process the payments for you, as well.
- Loan payments: Does your company serve others through loans and other financial tasks? If so, outsourcing to loan servicing companies that handle billing processes can take the burden off of your accountants. Having loan payments processed on time is good for your company and good for your borrowers and their credit.
- Online billing services: Did you know that having just 20% of American households switch from paper to electronic billing could save 151 million pounds of paper? Let’s face it: while paper bills can be useful, most of the time they end up in the trash and produce a lot of waste. An outsourcing company can provide your business with a great electronic billing system for your customers.
Have questions about what a billing statement processing company can do for your business? Contact one today or leave a comment below.