A Guide to the Importance of Fire Alarm Inspections

Across the country, fires are a serious problem for homeowners and commercial building owners alike. While this problem is slowly being reduced thanks to great fire alarms, not all businesses get the proper fire alarm inspections. Therefore, they need to take time to get their building fully checked out and inspected!

Data shows that there are specifically four property types that make up half of all high-rise fires. High-rise fires are fires that start in the top of a building rather than the bottom. This data shows that these four types include hospitals and other facilities caring for sick patients, offices, hotels, and apartments as well. These building should not ever take risks when it comes to their fire alarm inspections.

Apartments and businesses are two of the most dangerous places for a fire to take place. However, a survey has revealed that out of 119 businesses, only 35% had a plan for their evacuation to take place. Therefore, this needs to change and more businesses need to create themselves a detailed plan. Here are more facts on the value of fire alarm inspections.

Fires Cause Serious Damages For Homes And Businesses

Each year, there are 15 deaths and 150 injuries attributed directly to fires within hotels and motels. Much like apartments, hotels and motels cannot take risks with their fire alarm inspections. This inspection process is just as important as fire alarm installations. After all, fire alarms do not always work well as time goes on and they may even stop working in some cases.

An astounding $76 million is given up in property loss by these previously mentioned hotel and motel fires. Businesses owners cannot risk dumping away this money because they failed to get the best fire alarm services and fire alarm repairs. Instead, it is wise to invest money in only the very best products on the market.

In commercial areas with large oven ranges, non-chemical suppression systems operate effectively 96% of the time. Warehouse fires are associated with higher average property losses per fire than most other occupancies, but they also have lower than average rates of injury per 1,000 fires. All of these buildings need the best possible fire alarm inspections that they can get!

Fire Alarm Inspections Can Prevent Serious Damage

Maintenance is so key when it comes to getting the most out of fire alarms. Almost half of all dry and wet system failures come directly from a poor maintenance situation or a lack of any maintenance whatsoever. If a fire alarm fails to indicate the presence of a fire then it really becomes a problem. This is where things get out of control.

A failed fire alarm allows for a fire to potentially spread without anyone noticing it in the first place. In just about 69% of all cases, wet-chemical systems managed to operate and perform effectively. For big-time fires, these systems managed to handle it nearly 55% of the time. Be sure to work with these fire alarm installations experts to get the best possible fire alarm for your building. After all, not all fire alarms are one in the same.

As previously mentioned, fire alarms are so important because they help notify every one of the fire when it first starts. That way, the fire can be suppressed by either a sprinkler system of a fire extinguisher. Fires are not any fun to deal with but it is always much better to take care of it at the start rather than when it grows out of control. Plus, this even helps to prevent serious damage from taking place within the residential building or commercial property!

Every single year, fires devastate families and commercial property owners with extreme damage and danger. However, fire alarm inspections are going to help these owners avoid catastrophe and can even help stop the fire right in its tracks. Sprinkler systems are great and will spread out water throughout the fire area to stop and suppress it. Get the right set of fire alarms for your business and for the safety of everyone inside!

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