If you’re looking to change careers, you certainly are not alone. In fact, statistics show that the average workers will change jobs 10 to 15 times throughout his or her life. Therefore, it’s perfectly understandable to feel that it’s time to continue your career in an entirely new field. That being said, you’ll want to know a few tips before officially beginning a career change. With that in mind, here are five tips to follow when you feel it’s time to begin your career in a new field.
- Realize Pros and Cons of Current Job
It’s important to take the time to determine if you’re having a bad day or not. In many cases, workers who are ready for a career change have felt unsatisfied with their chosen field for quite some time. While thinking about a career change, it’s important to stop and take inventory of your current job situation. With that in mind, it’s important to note what specific aspects of your current job you like and dislike. Knowing what you like in your current job can greatly help you find future opportunities that align with your personal goals. - Find Where Your Interests Lie
The next step when looking for a career change is to find out more about your own interests. It’s common for someone who feels stuck in their current job to forget about what interests them. Career directions commonly change but you’ll find these changes to go smoothly when you’ve found a career that aligns with your interests. Take time to think about your personal traits and values and which job opportunities would align well with what makes you special and unique. - Take Coursework Related to New Field
One valuable piece of career change advice is to obtain education related to this new field. It’s common for those in the legal field to feel that they need a career change. In fact, statistics gathered from the Bureau of Labor Statistics found that 2.3% of those in the legal field made occupation changes between 2015 and 2016. In addition, 16% of those aiming to seek career directions outside of the legal field found success in the fields of business and financial operations. If you’re looking to head into the field of business, it’s wise to consider taking a few classes pertaining to the area of business that interests you the most. - Look for Volunteer Opportunities
You’ll want to find out if there are any volunteer or freelance opportunities related to your new chosen career field. Finding these opportunities will allow you to obtain valuable experience that might not have otherwise been available. In addition, volunteer opportunities are especially great for those looking to network within a new career field. Taking advantage of networking opportunities can vastly help put you that much closer to landing the job that you want the most. - Develop New Skills
Many people who are changing career directions utilize this time to develop new skills. If you’re looking to enter the world of finance, you’ll find it beneficial to develop skills related to financial positions. You’ll find much of what employers are looking for through either shadowing someone in your chosen field or seeking out volunteer opportunities. It’s also beneficial to consider if any close friends or family are currently working in the field you desire to enter.
To summarize, there are several tips to follow when it comes time to change careers. It’s wise to take inventory of what you like and dislike about the current job you have. Knowing likes and dislikes will provide immense help in guiding you towards new career directions. It’s important to take special note of any interests that you can continue to develop within your new field of work. If possible, it’s wise to take a few classes related to your new career field. In certain situations, there might be freelance or volunteer opportunities directly related to the field you’re looking to enter. Lastly, look for which skills are valued in your new line of work and spend the time and effort needed to develop these new attributes.