Sometimes the simplest method can be the best method. There are so many different options for marketing and promoting a business available these days that sometimes choosing the most effective one can be bewildering. They all sound like good choices — how do you decide which one is the best one for you and your business? A combination of on site signs like window graphics, outdoor business signs, or lighted business signs plus an interactive digital method that might be more attractive or interesting could boost the number of visitors your business receives.
What Are The Perks Of Onsite Business Signage?
One benefit of using onsite signs is that they’re always there. If a person passes by your business and a sign every day on the way to work or school, they’ll probably look at it at lesat twice a day. Indeed, over a third of people said that they looked at an outdoor sign every time (or most of the time) they went by one. They may see your sign at least twice a day — that’s over 60 times in one month!
Perhaps even more importantly, over half of customers who are a new to a specific store were drawn to the store because of its sign. If you have good window graphics or creative sign ideas, those might be a great way to catch someone’s attention and bring them into your business. Furthermore, about 35% of people claimed that they didn’t even know a business was there unless they saw a sign!
Lastly, on site signs really aren’t that expensive. If you get your sign revamped with new window graphics, for example, it could cost you less than $.05 per 1000 views, If you have a business in a high foot traffic area, you could reach a much wider market than digitally, where a consumer will have to view content related to yours first or make a specific search to find your business or services. Additionally, costs are dependent on how big or small they are, if they’re in color or black and white, and what content you’re including on them. A small sign could be under $10, while a larger sign with more intricate designs could be almost $100. You may spend that or more on a digital marketing strategy or in sending physical mailers or advertisements out.
What Are The Perks Of Digital Signs?
If you couple onsite signs with a digital sign, you may find even better results. For example, it’s been proven that if your location has a digital sign, you may receive (on average) 30% more sales than somewhere that sticks only to more traditional methods. Additionally, 40% of consumers are more inclined to buy from a business that uses digital signs. OTX, a research and consulting firm that specializes in global consumerism did research that showed over 60% of adults reported that advertising using digital signs were attention catching.
By combining these methods, you could boost your sales significantly without spending a lot of money. Many digital signs or banners can be designed yourself using online tools or may not cost much to produce in the first place. Try both digital signs and onsite signs and watch your business grow!