Fire protection companies make it their goal to make the public aware of how important having fire protection systems are. You need to make sure that you and everyone in the building are safe from the potential dangers of a fire. Early detection is key to be keeping everyone inside safe. If you find out about a fire by actually seeing the flames, it can mean fatal results but realizing there is a fire early, before flames are visible simply by the smoke or the lack of oxygen that a system detects, you will most likely be able to get everyone evacuated safely and on time. You may even be able to save much of your property and pay minimal fees in property loss and damage. Fire protection companies are available for all types of fire protection systems. Let’s go over a few of the systems that are on the market by fire protection companies and see which one would be suitable for your establishment.
Sprinkler Systems
The four different types of sprinklers are pre-action, dry pipe, wet pipe and deluge. Pre-action fire sprinkler systems are full of air and when the smoke detector or alarm goes off water passes through. This kind of system needs to triggers in order to be able to start the water flow. You can set this type of system to prevent water from flowing in case of a false alarm but if the second trigger is hit then the water will spray out. Dry pipe sprinklers are very similar because they use pressurized air within the pipe. The water discharge may take a minute once the alarm is triggered but these are good in buildings that have low temperatures like warehouses. What type sprinklers always have water in them which allows for a quick release. This type of sprinkler system is the most cost effective and low maintenance type that you can buy. Lastly, the deluge System has open nozzles that recognize when flammable liquids have been released. The water is released whenever there is a detection of hazard.
Fire Extinguishers
Fire extinguishers should be used in conjunction with another type of fire protection system and not be thought up to be it’s own system in and of itself. While they are crucial to have on hand and can be very beneficial for small kitchen fires and things like that, they do not have any kind of early detection warning installed. In fact they do not detect anything and are only there to assist in putting out a fire. However, fire protection company still recommend that fire sting wisher’s are placed in obvious areas around the building and especially in fire prone places like kitchens.
Fire Alarm Systems
Fire alarms are a good sign of early detection in order to save lives. Most fire alarms are a device that detects smoke and heat and then sound an alarm in order to inform everyone that an increased level of smoke or heat is in the building. The fire alarm itself is a good idea because it contacts the fire department automatically if that is how it is set up but it does not trigger any water flow or attempt to put out the fire. The siren is the only reaction that the alarm will give. However this is very helpful and ensuring everybody’s out of the building by the time the firefighters get there. What’s the warning siren sounds, everyone will be required to evacuate safely.
CO2 Suppression Systems
Carbon dioxide suppression systems are not very expensive and are fairly effective as long as the area is unoccupied for the most part. If a carbon dioxide suppression system detects that there is a fire, it is designed to set the oxygen out of the room in order to put the fire out. That is why it cannot be used in highly populated areas. Rooms like transformer rooms are generator plants can benefit greatly from this type of system because there are generally many flammable items that could actually explode if he gets too high.
If you contact fire protection companies they will usually give you a free consultation to let you know where your weak points are in the building regarding fires depending on the variables.