It’s difficult to know where modern industries would be without blister packaging services. From bottle filling to clinical labeling, these plastic packaging techniques are vital to ensure countless products in various industries are properly distributed to their customer base every day of the year. They allow people of all shapes and sizes to access the medication they need without fear of quality loss or endangerment — when millions of Americans rely on regular access to maintain chronic illness and allergies, clinical storage needs to maintain constant standards.
What Is Blister Packaging?
The primary function of blister packaging is creating a sound cavity or pocket made by a formable web, allowing the product in question to remain safe during transportation. Blister packages that fold in themselves are often referred to as ‘clamshells’, with high speed blister packaging an efficient process that can see thousands of products properly packaged in a short amount of time. Blister packaging companies make sure to offer additional services like lot numbers and expiration dates to ensure quality and safety on arrival. Since expiration is both a waste of money and a potential danger to consumers, pharma track and trace relies on medical packaging design to extend the lifespan of its products.
Which Industries Use It?
Blister package design and thin film pharmaceutical packaging are used for medical and food industries, to ensure its fragile and vital materials aren’t damaged during travel. Thin film pharmaceutical packaging is accompanied by peelable lamination for easy opening, as well, allowing this technique to offer manufacturers and workers to package and deliver efficiently in a small amount of time. Many pharmaceutical companies require customized packaging for specific injectable products that included sterilized bottles and auto injector pens, such as for debilitating allergies.
What Other Packaging Methods Are There?
The blister packaging process takes on many different forms. Bottle filling companies, for example, provide a wide variety of cap options to ensure the safety of the user — this includes, but is not limited to, child safe tops, snap off and twist off. Liquid products are generally packaged in products called pouches or sachets for both quick opening and easy disposal for the consumer. Last, but not least, cartoning is a popular option for its accurately labeled vials and product instructions. Pharmaceutical packaging companies are one of the most necessary components of keeping the medical industry running smoothly.
How Is The Industry Looking?
Thin film pharmaceutical packaging and bottle packaging designs are a staple of countless industries across the country. The year 2011 saw U.S. pharmacy and drug store sales exceeding $230 billion, with doctors and pharmacies either ordering or providing over 270 million prescription drugs during emergency hospital room visits alone. It’s estimated nearly half of all Americans have used at least one prescription drug in the past month, with three-quarters of medical visits involving a form of drug therapy.
Why Use Blister Packaging?
Whether it’s thin film pharmaceutical packaging or bottle production, blister packaging is essential if products are to be transported carefully from destination to destination. Its airtight model and specifically labeled instructions allow customers the quality they need to stay healthy as well as the security to ensure they don’t misuse or misplace their medication. Peelable lamination, easy-to-cut plastic and child safety caps are but a few precautions taken in blister packaging companies to provide accessibility to the consumer. With blister packaging techniques, the future of medical and food industries is looking bright.