What is environmental remediation? If you have to ask yourself this, there’s a good chance you are in need of it.
To answer the question “What is environmental remediation?” we have to address several factors. So stand by for the answer to “What is environmental remediation?” and the other things you need to know about environmental remediation services.
FAQs on Environmental Remediation Contracting Services
- What is environmental remediation?
Radiation is extremely dangerous to humans. This is why you get to put on a heavy-duty lead suit before you take x-rays. However, x-ray technology is not the only source of ionizing radiation that can kill us. Unfortunately, factors such as hazardous waste pollution, and even natural occurrences make the environment around us at risk of contamination of radiation. Common sources of radiation exposure to humans include the soil our food grows in, the water we drink, and the surface water that we live around.
Radiation remediation is the process of removing radiation sources from the environment around us, so that the planet and the human (and non-human) life on it are protected. There are a variety of techniques for remediation of radiation contamination. The proper approach for each situation depends on the level of radiation, the source, and how inhabited it is. - What does it cost a homeowner to bring in a professional environmental remediation contractor?
This is often the most common question that remediation professionals are asked. Radiation contamination is serious (like, life-threatening serious), but because it cannot be seen or heard (until it is too late that is), it is easier to make it a low priority if the cost is too great. And there really isn’t a hard and fast price that can be given to this question. The cost of environmental remediation varies as much as every situation where it is necessary.
What we can tell you is that there is no “one-size-fits-all” answer to this question. If you call an environmental remediation professional and are able to get a quote over the phone, site unseen, you should hang up and run. The truth is, if the remediation specialist does not come survey the situation before putting together a quote, they are either charging you a rate that is so high they won’t stand to lose money if the job requires a lot of effort (which results in you losing money), or they are scam artists. In both cases, you don’t want to rely on a professional like this to protect you from radiation. - Well how does one find the right company to conduct environmental remediation then?
It may feel difficult to find a remediation company, since so much rides upon the decision. Whether you need to identify the source of the contamination, or you need disposal of a contaminated tank, or you need to remove an underground storage tank, it is critical to find a solution that is both the right price, and (most importantly) provides reliable service. To do that, we suggest using the following tips:- Get estimates from several remediation companies. Make sure the estimates are provided by a contractor who has surveyed the area in person, and provides a written description of the work that is going to be done, the materials that will be used, and the time frames for it.
- Ask for references from previous clients. Contact references and ask about their experiences. Ask if they were satisfied with the work that was done. If any problems arose, how did the contractor handle it? How well did they communicate throughout the process?
- Since the remediation provider is most likely not going to give you references for clients who were dissatisfied with their service, it’s a good idea to research them on your own as well. Check to make sure there are not any open claims against them with the Better Business Bureau. Search customer review sites for negative reviews. If the service has the same complaint repeatedly, it’s something you should pay attention to.
- To ensure that the contractor is consistent and good at communicating, call several times and ask several questions. Pay attention to how attentive the representative is at answering questions. Make sure that you get consistent answers each time you call; you don’t want to work with a provider who is just making up the answers they aren’t sure about.