Everybody has a package they need delivered. Maybe they’re ordering ingredients for a do-it-at-home lotion they want to make or they’re chomping at the bit for the new mousepad they found on sale. Whatever the situation, nothing is quite as disappointing as finding out that package you’ve been waiting for was damaged along the way. It’s quite a bit more so when you need medicine to assist with chronic medical conditions like asthma, arthritis or sleep apnea. With pharmaceuticals, proper packaging is key to making sure people get the medicine and supplements they need to live a healthy life. Pharma track and trace had made it imperative to oversee the best medical packaging techniques to maintain quality standardization and ensure your day-to-day life remains smooth.
Drug Facts In The United States
The majority of Americans rely on pharmaceutical technology and transport, with almost half of all Americans have used at least one prescription drug in the past month and over 70% of medical visits involve a form of drug therapy. Pharmacy and drug store sales amount to an over $200 billion dollar industry and doctors and pharmacies combined provided well over 270 million prescription drugs in 2010 alone. While there are many ways to package and seal products, blister packaging is considered the most popular method of delivering Americans single unit doses.
What Is Blister Packaging?
Blister packaging is a common form of wrapping and transport that involves a pocket made by a supportive web, keeping the product from being damaged as it’s transported. High-speed blister packaging can allow effective packaging in a small amount of time, with lamination for easy opening and cushy support for potentially bumpy transport. Pouch packaging can be used to separate prepackaged containers, with cartoning a popular option for separating and labeling vials and product information. Child safe features such as seals and twist-off caps are regularly implemented just in case. Pharma track and trace solutions are fast becoming the standard for the average pharmaceutical supply chain and are one of the most important steps in the industry as a whole.