While American investors enjoy a period of unprecedented growth in both commercial and residential real estate, some savvy industry leaders are starting to use their real estate dividends to make an impact in the field of pharmaceutical research and biotechnology. Across the country, more than 2,500 individual biotechnology companies are hard at work, looking to invent novel ways to treat and cure a wide variety of medical conditions. Around the world, there are more than 150,000 scientists working on projects that could potentially double or even triple the $150 billion that investors have contributed thus far.
Finding the perfect biotech startup to invest in is, at base, a process of investigation and discovery. Which company is most likely to bring its ideas to fruition? Can they get their proprietary ideas approved and patented? Investors who are in the process of researching are encouraged to look for companies that have already achieved patents and that are being publicly traded. The future of American real estate investment is clearly in commercial properties, but the future of American medicine may be in the hands of smaller companies that have enough capital and public interest to complete therapeutic trials over the course of several years.
So biotech investors are primarily advised to look for companies that, while technically startups, have made it past their initial funding stages. New, non-invasive scanning technology is quietly revolutionizing the face of American manufacturing, and the medical field is poised to absorb innovative methods for patient treatment based on nonimplantable bioelectronics that provide cell therapies without the need for surgical intervention. Patients who receive therapeutic intervention that does not involve surgery could face faster recovery times and lower rates of organ rejection, for example.
Doctors who perform organ transplants are well-aware of the possibility that the organ recipient’s immune system will reject the new heart, liver, or kidney, and are actively looking for solutions that will improve patient outcomes. And biotechnology investors who are looking to have a positive impact on the future of American medicine realize that 7% of patients who are on a waiting list for an organ transplant do not live long enough to receive their organ donation. Improving the statistics on organ donation must, out of necessity, continue to be high on investors’ priority lists.
Unbelievably, more than 120,000 Americans are currently waiting for a new organ. New 3D printing methods are proving partially effective, but with more than 30 million people across the country reporting liver malfunction, the race to improve the outlook for organ transplant patients remains both timely and vital. There are more than 100 different varieties of liver disease alone, and doctors are aware that noninvasive cell therapies could act to lessen inflammation. Putting electromagnetic fields to use could revolutionize organ donation outcomes around the world, and biotech investors are excited to see the face of American medicine change for the better.
The best biotech companies to invest in are working to provide transparency to their investors. Publicly traded companies that have already been approved for intellectual property patents should be more attractive to potential investors. While some biotech companies work to cure and treat relatively rare conditions, focusing on startups that aim to treat more common conditions can be a great start to a robust biotech investment portfolio. Pursuing investment opportunities with companies that are putting their ideas into action for patients around the world, investors know that they want to find a company that stands to double or triple their initial investments.
Industry experts predict that the market for noninvasive regenerative products will more than double in the next several years: a worldwide market of $6 billion for innovative patient treatment methods has investors looking to expand their portfolios. Consulting with experts and doing the required research on companies’ viability and long-term chances for success could mean unprecedented success for investors who want to move beyond commercial real estate into uncharted — but potentially extremely lucrative — investment territory.