The cannabis market in America today is one of the fastest growing fields for potential investors. Medical cannabis is sweeping across the nation. Full on legalization campaigns are sprouting up in every state in the U.S. The market is still in it’s relative infancy compared to where it will end up in the next several years. Here are some of the facts on the industry, the market trends, and what you need to know if you’re considering entering this rising market.
Cannabis as a Cure
23 states and the District of Columbia currently allow medical cannabis, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. This number is expected to grow rapidly in the next several years. Medical cannabis has been shown to help treat glaucoma, post traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, headaches, nerve pain, nausea, muscle spasms, among others. There are many new studies being lunched into other potential uses for cannabis, and as more potential uses are discovered, medical cannabis will become more difficult for states to deny.
The Economics of Cannabis
In Colorado, sales of retail marijuana have reaped about $18.9 million in state taxes from January through June alone, according to the Department of Revenue. It’s estimated that cannabis has created between 7,500 and 10,000 jobs in Colorado. In five years, the national marijuana market will be worth an estimated $10.2 billion. As states see the booming economic benefit of legal marijuana, they will become more and more likely to head towards legalization. Legalization will be appearing on ballots in more and more states over the next couple of years. Investors as well as major companies are already beginning preparations to set up operations as soon as the inevitable legalization is passed.
Getting Involved in the Cannabis Market
Cannabis consulting firms are rising in the U.S. as well. These companies are experts on starting a medical marijuana business. They can provide information on licensing a marijuana business, investment opportunities, medical marijuana business branding, medical marijuana cultivation, and everything else in between. A cannabis consultant offers resources to those just starting out in the business who are seeking more information. This can be a great launching point for potential investors interested in entering the cannabis market. A cannabis consultant is up to date on all the current laws and trends in the cannabis market, giving investors peace of mind.
The cannabis market is being referred to by many as our generations gold rush. It is a brand new, largely untapped market where investors can get in on the ground floor and potentially earn huge dividends. Speaking to a cannabis consultant today could launch you on a path to major rewards.