Trade shows can be a pretty big deal for those in the featured industry. The exhibition set up to showcase various products, upgrades and designs within a particular industry allows people of all levels to interact, network, get an inside look at the competition, take note of market trends, and find out what customers are looking for. The opportunities for anyone in the industry are too many to pass up, and everyone should be looking at getting trade show rental booths booked well in advance so as not to miss out.
Pointers for setting up trade show rental booths
There is certainly a lot to consider when setting up the perfect rental exhibits to showcase your business or products. On average, a visitor at any given trade show in the United States will be wandering around for about nine and a half hours, checking out the exhibits that are set up in trade show rentals. And you will want to make sure that you draw them in, amongst all of the other media that is vying for their attention. An interactive exhibit design might be your best bet, as visitors will be more likely to stop than to attempt to take it in as they stroll by. Some other key factors have to do with catching the eye of potential customers or business connections but not going over the top with fonts, graphics or designs that the information becomes too confusing, or even lost in the display. A good way to think about the trade show rental booths that you may be designing is that in terms of designs and graphics, when all is said and done there should be about 40% blank space in the booth. Many potential buyers or partners feel that what is not being said can be just as important as what is laid out in print.
Catching the crowd wherever it may be
While trade shows take place all over the nation, around half of the biggest 200 shows in the United States take place in only three locations. If you are setting up trade show displays in Las Vegas, Chicago or Orlando, your chances of finding good crowds are quite good. But the general rules of display and design hold true wherever you go. You want to catch the eye of individuals in the crowd, but you do not want to overwhelm them. Font can play a big part in drawing the eye to your information and product. You usually don’t want to use anything too frilly or blocky or odd, unless your brand calls for it, as you want to be sure your signs and information are easy to read. And you definitely do not want to use more than two to three different styles of font in one area. The size of the font is also crucial. You will want to add one inch of height in the font for every one foot away that visitors will be standing to view your display. For example, if the main stream of the crowd is about ten feet away, you will add ten inches to the font that you are using.
Whatever product or company you are representing at the trade show, you want to stand out in the best way possible. The type of publicity and interaction that you have the opportunity to acquire could really boost business, and the booth designs that you use are your main tool for that.