Recruiters exist for nearly every industry on the market; you can find HVAC recruiters, life sciences recruiters, military transition recruiters and even public sector recruiters. But there’s a specific kind of recruiting that highly qualified applicants should be aware of: executive search services. Here are five advantages you’ll get by using an executive recruiter to guide your job hunt:
- A Wider Pool
By using executive search services, you actually gain access to a much wider pool of jobs because a majority of positions — especially high-level ones — are never publicly posted. Companies work directly with services, instead, to find better-qualified applicants.
- Insider Information
By using a recruiter, you won’t be going into the application and interview process blind. Recruiting professionals have a lot of professional relationships with HR departments and hiring managers, and that personal connection could be the key to getting hired.
- Less Competition
Working with a recruiter will automatically set you apart from the crowd, since your application will be put forward by the service rather than just getting emailed or uploaded to an online portal like all the others. Given how many resumes hiring managers end up looking at, just catching their eye could be the difference between landing a job and not even getting a courtesy phone call.
- More Coaching
Recruiters want you to do well; they actually get paid by filling the needs of the companies with open jobs. That means that when you look good, they look good, and they’ll help with that process by helping you brush up on your interview skills.
- Help Negotiating
Executive search services don’t typically just help you find a job — they also negotiate hiring terms. If you’re not the type of person who feels comfortable aggressively negotiating for a higher salary, better benefits or comprehensive relocation reimbursement, then that can be an invaluable service.
Have you considered using executive search services to help you in your job hunt? Share what has and hasn’t worked for you in the comments.