Lower back pain is a common complaint among people who work in an office setting. However, there are other steps you can take to relieve stress and discomfort in your back, aside from finding the the best office chair for lower back pain.
- Keep Your Head Up – Focus on aligning your head and neck right above your shoulders and avoid straining forward.
- Move Your Mouse Close – Ideally, your mouse should be placed right next to your keyboard so you don’t overreach or injure yourself when clicking.
- Be Choosy With Your Chair – The best office chairs for lower back pain are ergonomic computer chairs. You’ll want to be sure the chair has a lumbar support insert to support your spine, and that you can recline your chair to a comfortable angle.
- Breathe From Your Belly – With each inhale, think about drawing your navel toward your spine. This engages the core muscles and supports the upper body.
- Sit Within Reach – Your torso should be about an arm’s length from the monitor, which should be about two to three inches above eye level.
- Plant Your Feet – Keep your feet flat on the floor and shoulder width apart to quiet tension, and to provide your body with a good base.
- Take Breaks – Getting up every 30 minutes to an hour to either stretch, walk around, or go to the bathroom, will help reduce pressure on your spinal disks and improve circulation.
- Find the Right Angle – Keep your knees at 90 degree angles, directly over your ankles, which will keep your spine comfortably upright.
- Stretch Your Shoulders – Roll your shoulders back and down, and square them over your hips.
- Quit Squinting and Straining – Adjust the settings on your monitor so that you can easily read the screen without straining your eyes or your neck.
- Don’t Cross Your Legs – Sitting cross-legged makes it difficult to keep your spine straight and shoulders squared, and you risk overstretching the muscles around the pelvis, and upping your risk of varicose veins by interrupting blood flow.
- no More Phone Cradling – Pinning the phone between your shoulder and ear while multitasking may be instinctual, but it’s no good for your neck and spine. Use a headset or speakerphone for any call longer than five minutes.
All of these tips will help to keep you comfortable and healthy in the office, but the most important step is making sure you have the right chair. Ergonomic computer chairs are the best chairs for lower back pain, because they are specifically designed for people who spend long hours working at a desk. But it’s important to keep in mind that ergonomic computer chairs are no good for you if they are not adjusted to your body’s specifications.